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Here is some information about our policies:
We respect the team at The Covey Center. We want your dancer to enjoy our event in partnership with The Covey Center by showing respect for the facility, the procedures, and each one of their employees.
The Covey staff might not be able to answer your questions about our competition, so please look for a Momentum staff member if you need to speak with someone regarding your dancer.
Remain in your seat, and do not relocate inside the auditorium while dancers are performing.
We respect Covey Center safety policies, and Momentum audiences must comply with Covey Center practices.​
We remind you that our event is centered around dancers, who we regard as student artists and athletes.
We reserve the right to make reasonable changes on short notice if required - not for our ourselves, but in the best interest of the dancers.
We resolve to be flexible.
If you, or your dancer, has had a change of heart about competing, let us know.​ Click here to send an email up to 24 hours before your dancer's scheduled performance time. We will resolve your requests after the competition is over.